Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Peas and Corn with Himalayan Pink Salt

The Himalayan Pink salt is not important to this recipe.

The sweet peas are. So is the corn. I threw in the Himalayan Pink salt because it sounds hippie chic and also because I bought it very cheap at Costco.

I think Saindhav Lavan is how this Himalayan Rock Salt, mined in the Khewra salt mines at the foothills of Himalaya, was known to us in India. The Kala Namak which is more popular in India and is known as "Beet Noon" in Bengal, is a chemically transformed version of the Himalayan rock salt. Though these days Kala Namak is synthetically produced and there is no trace of Himalaya in there.

This Pink rock salt, looks like an original. Raw and unprocessed. I will keep my fingers crossed until someone crashes my delusion only to confirm that the cheaper Costco version was actually made in some lab in China.

Until then, here is this easy sweet peas and corn snack which will be packed for BigSis's lunch tomorrow along with ravioli. Whether you want regular salt, Himalayan Pink salt, Kosher salt or Kala namak is up to you.

Steamed sweet peas sauteed in butter was one of my favorite childhood snacks. Sometimes diced carrots and potatoes would be thrown in. At other times a chopped boiled egg. Sprinkle of black pepper and salt were the only seasonings. And it tasted so good that I care to make it again and again.

Only this time I did a tempering of Curry Leaves and Cumin seeds. You can ditch both and saute in just plain olive oil or butter too.

Cook 1 cup of frozen peas and 1 cup of frozen corn kernels in microwave. Usually 1 min for 1 cup cooks mine.

Now heat a tsp of Olive Oil. Temper the oil with 2 Kari Patta and few cumin seeds. You can add some sliced red onion too but I skipped.

Add the cooked peas and corn. Saute for a couple of minutes.

Season with Himalayan pink salt or regular salt. Sprinkle some crushed black pepper.


Ganesh Chaturthi was on Monday. It was also the day, both girls started their school after the summer break. Little Sis came back from her half-day KG and happily said "They call it Early Learning Center. But actually there is no learning."  I am sure hoping, she thinks it will remain that way.

Big Sis too liked her homeroom teacher. But she has a busy schedule with lots of running in between different classes and that too with heavy books and binders. Once the classes start in full swing and band practice etc. begins, she is going have a full day.

Leaving you with some pictures of Ganesha around my home and may the one with Curved Trunk, Large Body, and with the Brilliance of a Million Suns remove obstacles from our path or show us the way to do so.

Next week, I will be announcing some interesting giveaways on this blog. So stay tuned. And don't forget to get your copy of my book.


  1. Hi, i've been following your blog for a couple of years, I'm a Kolkata expat and really miss home... reading your blog certainly makes it feel less lonely... Love your book...its my constant companion in the kitchen and the family love the food.

    Thanks for your blog...

  2. Lovely collection of Ganeshas...and lovely simple recipe too..
    This time A-junior loved a corn snack in India...they did it with capsicum there.and beet nun, ginger, etc..
    Railway mutton post korlam blog e...tasted great..thanks again.

  3. China or not it looks pretty!

  4. That is nice! Specially the pictures has made this post more and more beautiful! Recipe is simple awesome as always! Thanks for God. It isn't too complicated to make! Will try it at home.

  5. I loved seeing your beautiful decorations - Ganesha is such a graceful name and I love this -- "the one with... the Brilliance of a Million Suns" ... I can't think of a day when I don't need those obstacles removed :) Lovely veggie snack too!

  6. So many Ganesh Idols :-) I am having 5-6 different Idols...Peas-corn combi is Abhi's fav tiffin item

  7. I love love himalayan pink salt! Specially the ones that I get at Sprouts. I have recently fallen in love with seasoned salt too! I hash it on everything I love!!! Happy Ganesh Chathurthi to you all.



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